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There are multiple ways to get Cavas support. We highly encourage all Canvas-related questions to be directed to our 24/7 WFU- dedicated Canvas support channels. For questions relating more to how to best use Canvas in your classes, reach out to your Canvas Contact.

24/7 WFU-Dedicated Canvas Support

WFU Canvas Contact

Canvas Contacts are resources in dedicated areas who are able to assist.

AreaCanvas Contact
College of Arts & SciencesInstructional Technologists
Online CounselingHelp Center
School of BusinessSchool Business Help Desk
School of DivinityIS Service Desk
School of LawLaw School Help Desk

Common Questions & Answers

Sometimes, questions that seem Canvas-related really deal with your WFU Account or periphery systems. To best answer your questions or resolve your issues, please read through the following questions to determine where to go for the speediest support.


  • How do I access Canvas at Wake Forest University?
    • You can visit and select the Log in to Canvas button or bookmark This URL is the same for the College (undergraduate and graduate), School of Business, School of Divinity, School of Law. 
  • How do I reset a password for a non-WFU Canvas guest user?
    • Canvas support can show them how to reset their password. Please do not reset their password for them.
  • How do I get help using web conferencing tools within my canvas course?
  • I need additional storage space.


  • How do I create a new course?
    • All academic course shells are created automatically one semester in advance. All faculty get a sandbox environment automatically assigned to them. 
  • Is there a template I can use for my course?
  • How can I change my display name?
    • Contact Canvas Support. You may also update your preferred name in Workday, which will reflect in many systems across campus, including Canvas.
  • How can I combine several sections into one Canvas course (also known as cross-list sections)?
  • What if I need to create a project site?
  • I need help with an external tool integration (LTI). 
  • How do I add a student, TA, or guest to my course?
    • If a student is missing from a course, please contact the school’s registrar office. Do not add a student manually to a course. 
  • How do I enter a final grade?
    •  You cannot add a final grade into Canvas, you will need to do so through the Student Information System (SIS), Banner. Enter midterm or final grades by accessing WIN → Enter Grades.


  • I have added or dropped a course but do not see it reflected in Canvas, what should I do?
    • After adding or dropping a course in the Registration Portal,, please allow two hours for the registration update to be reflected in Canvas. Any other registration questions can be directed to the Office of University Registrar. 
  • It has been more than 2 hours since I added or have been added to a course and I do not see it in Canvas.
    • If you still do not see your course, contact your instructor, who will contact the registrar on your behalf.
  • How do I get assistance with an external tool integration (LTI) that my professor is using in their course?
  • How do I get a transcript? 
    • You cannot access an official or unofficial transcript through Canvas, you will need to request one through WIN → Virtual Campus → Request a Transcript.
  • Where can I see my final grade?
    • You cannot access your final grades in Canvas. Visit WIN to see your final grade after the semester concludes.